Friday, January 28, 2011

Desktop Publishing

Desktop Publishing By: Alyda

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Red Dead Redemption (Blog Info Coming Soon) (PS3 Game)

Red Dead Redemption was created by Rockstar Games, Rockstar has created many for playstation systems and has genes of games such as Red Dead Redemption and my other favorite game Grand Theft Auto IV Credit Goes To Rockstar for creating Red Dead Redemption & Red Dead Revolver I Hope You Make More Red Dead Redemption Games!!

Red Dead Redemption is based on a
real life event way back in the wild west. You play as a man named John Marston you are a bounty hunter you use to be part of a group of gang bandits called "The Williamson's gang" John Marston has a son named Jack Marston and a wife named Abigail Marston. John Marston was left to die by his gang he rode with back in the days. John left the gang because of that event, some road agents kidnapped John Marston's family. Then told him if he ever want's to see his family again and alive that he would do what they asked. So John Marston had no other choice but to do what they said. The road agents told John that he would have to hunt down the 3 main members of his old gang from the past and that he would have to kill them. So John Marston was sent to Armadillo to meet up with the Marshal there named Marshal. So that Marshal can help him find the 3 main members of his past outlaw gang that he use to run with so that he could kill them and get his family back. Once John Marston finally finished hunting down and killing all 3 of the main gang members from his past outlaw gang he use to run in. The road agents took his family back home and when you back home to his ranch his family is back home safe and sound. You do some chores with your family and near the end of the game you die because the road agents backstabbed you after you did what they asked and killed you. But Uncle Sam died in the battle in the beginning but the rest of your family get's away safely and you go out the barn with a gun and shoot as many guys with your special gift the Dead Eye which slows down time so that you can shoot as many enemies as you can. Then they shoot you up and you die and your family hears the gun shots when they are not to far away on their horse and they come back. Then find you died and then they burry you and they put holy water on your grave. Then a couple months later Jack Marston's Mom die's from old age and then you play as Jack Marston all grown up at the end!

Abigail Marston This Is John Marston's Wife And Jack Marston's Mother That is John Marston And His Wife Abigail Marston Together! 

Jack Marston When He Was A Teenager Son Of John Marston & Abigail Marston!
This Is Jack Marston As A Grown Man!


Wednesday, January 26, 2011

My Photoshop CS3 Pics Check Them Out! (Don't Steal Without Asking Me)

I Made On Photoshop CS3 (Don't Touch Or Steal My Credit Because My Name Is On It To So You Will Be Caught If You Take Without My Permission)!

Monday, January 24, 2011

About Heavenly Sword

This Is Nariko The Girl you play as in Heavenly Sword you also play Kai Nariko finds Kai In between some rocks Kai told Nariko about the story with her Mom being killed by Flying Fox before Nariko found her and took her in their clan and protected her and treated her like her real own sister Nariko used the Heavenly Sword in her darkest hours and it was forbidden to do so to Protect The Heavenly Sword Because That Is Nariko's Father's Clan's Duty. Including Kai Because Kai Is Part Of Their Clan To Protect The Sword From Evil Getting A Hold On It And Destroying The World As They Know It. So They Protect The Heavenly Sword, From King Bohan And His Army And The Sad Part Is Nariko Wield's The Sword In Her Darkest Hour And It Was Forbitten To Use The Heavenly Sword Even In Your Darkest Times. But Nariko Did And It Gave Her Incredible Attack And Defense And Power But It Was Also Sucking Her Life Force She Had No Clue What She Was Offering For Such Power. Evenually The Sword Consumes Your Life Force Completely and The Swords Master Dies. So Nariko evenually becomes attached to the Heavenly Sword because it was feeding on her life force and giving her amazing power with every move and blow she used on her enemies. That she started to get attached to the Heavenly Sword because it was feeding on her life force so the sword became attached to it's master giving Nariko amazing power but draining her of her life force which was making her life weaker everytime she used it.

Nariko As A The Goddess She Was Turned Into A Goddess By The God's To Wield The Heavenly Sword Without It Killing Her During The Final Battle With King Bohan Which Body Got Taken Over By The Evil King In A Past Life Which Was Also The Devil His Name Was Raven King And After You Win The Battle Raven King Comes Out Of King Bohan's Body And Pokes Both His Eyes Out And Leave's Him There To Be Killed By Nariko And Raven King Flies Off As A Crow And King Bohan's Son Roach Beg's For Her To Spare Him And She Does. But After The Fight With King Bohan Which Body Was Taken Over By Raven King, Before Nariko Turns Back Into A Mortal But Become's A Goddess In Heaven When She Died's Completely Anyways Nariko Before She Die's Comepletely She Struggles To Try To Stand Up Straight Because All Of Her Life Force Was Very Near Drained So She Walked To Kai And Healed Kai. After Kai Came Back Nariko Falls To The Ground Because Of The Unbearable Pain Of The Heavenly Sword Finishing Feeding Off The Last Of Her Life Force. So Nariko Tell's Kai To Hide The Heavenly Sword And Protect It From Evil And From People Trying To Take It From Kai. Then Nariko Tell's Her Father To Talk Care Of Kai For Her, Then Before Nariko Completely Die's He Say's "I Swear Nariko I Will Take Care Of Kai No Matter What Nariko"! Then Nariko Completely Die's And Goes To Heavenly Where The Heavenly Sword Was Supposely Believed By Nariko's Clan That The Heavenly Sword Was Wielded By The God's.

The Playstation 3 Video Game Heavenly Sword Is My Favorite Video Game Of All Time

This Is The Heavenly Sword That Nariko Wield's In Her Hands It May Look Like Just A Normal Sword But It Is Not It Has Very Special And Amazing Powers This sword will consume the life force of it's master who wield's The Heavenly Sword. Any mortal who use's the Heavenly Sword in battle it feed's on their life force. But the Heavenly Sword gives them incredible attack and defense against power attacks which turn orange when that person attacks you and when you have your Heavenly Sword And Your Not Attacking Them Your Sword Will Automaticly block the attack. Also Drains Their Master's Life Force If They Are Mortal If They Are A Goddess They Can't Be Harmed By It Unless Their Mortal. The Heavenly Sword contains great and strong power wield within it the people in Nariko's Clan Believed that the Heavenly Sword was forged in Heaven and the God's put a curse on it against Mortals because the God's became angry with mankind for using the Heavenly Sword for Battle and killing each other over it so the God's put a curse on the Heavenly Sword so that any Mortal. Who dares to use it in battle it drain's all their life force evenually but give them incredible power and strength while wielding the sword. While the Heavenly Sword feed's on it's master's life force everytime it was used by it's master it would make the master of the Heavenly Sword attached to it so without it they feel empty and weak because the sword was feeding on their life force so they become attached to it. But only a God Or Goddess could use the sword without the Heavenly Sword draining their life force because the God's where the one's who created the Heavenly Sword in the Heaven's. The Heavenly Sword's Powers That Are Given To It's Master When It Is Wielded To It's Master That It's Sucking It's Life Force From Is The power to heal others either died or wounded badly can make you into an God or Goddess if it believe you can control yourself and you are good and pure and worthy and won't use that power for Evil. The Heavenly Swords Powers it Gives To It's Mortal Master While It Feed's On Their Life Force Is: Incredible Attack And Defense Power And Healing Including Weaking It's Master's Enemies Attacks While Every Blow/Attack It's Master Make's Towards Their Enemy.

This Is Kai Is Like Nariko's little sister Nariko promised Kai that she would never be alone as long as Nariko was by her side and alive Kai knew Nariko would do anything to protect Kai, Also Kai using a Very Special Bow which shoots out her very special arrows she calls it Twing Twang Kai's Mother Was Killed By Flying Fox before Nariko found her and took her into her and her father's clan that protected the Heavenly Sword from those who wanted to use it's power for Evil or anyone who ever wanted to use it's power because the power of the Heavenly Sword is so strong if you don't learn how to control it, will drive it's master crazy to make them want to kill others if the master has no control of themselves they only way the have control over themselves is if they are like Nariko with lots of self-control and a stronger worthy warrior.

This Is Kai's Special Bow & Arrow Weapon This Is What Kai Call's Her Play Time When She Is Attack Other Enemies To Protect The Heavenly Sword Because That Is Nariko's Father's Clan's Duty. Including Kai Because Kai Is Part Of Their Clan To Protect The Sword From Evil Getting A Hold On It And Destroying The World As They Know It. So They Protect The Heavenly Sword, From King Bohan And His Army And The Sad Part Is Nariko Wield's The Sword In Her Darkest Hour And It Was Forbidden To Use The Heavenly Sword Even In Your Darkest Times. But Nariko Did And It Gave Her Incredible Attack And Defense And Power But It Was Also Sucking Her Life Force She Had No Clue What She Was Offering For Such Power. Evenually The Sword Consumes Your Life Force Completely and The Swords Master Dies.

Do Not Steal I Worked Very Hard On Making This Moving Gif Of Kai From Heavenly Sword Using Her Special Bow & Arrow Plus I Have My Name On Picture To So Don't Even Bother Taking It Without My Permission!

For The Game Heavenly Sword Being Created The Credit Of The Company Who Created Heavenly Sword Goes to Ninja I Hope You Guys Make More Heavenly Sword Games Because I Love The First One!
